This is the info that our Medicare Retirees are receiving in the mail. We are setting up meetings with the retiree chapters and locals and will have more on that soon. Judy

We received the attached documents that were sent by CenturyLink to Medicare-eligible retirees beginning last week. 

There are 3 attachments:

1. Cover letter with schedule at the end of document.
2. Getting Started Guide – a preview to what to prepare for.
3. Letter to those who are in a waived status.

 We have been receiving a significant number of calls at the District office about this information as has D7 RMC President Judy Fries. The Company is in the process of scheduling meetings and calls with the Medicare eligible retirees to go over the open enrollment process for the medicare exchanges. As we get more information, we will share it with Judy, our retiree chapters and the Locals. 

For More information
     Web: Your Spending Account through Your Benefits Resources at www.centurylinkhealthandlife.com
     Phone: 1-800-729-7526, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday Through Friday
     Fax 1-888-211-9000 (no cover letter needed)
     Mail: Your Spending Account
               P.O. Box 785040
              Orlando, Fl 32878-5040
Legacy Qwest Retiree Health Care (R-07)

We have been informed by CenturyLink that under the terms of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) any company that employs 50 or 
more people is required to provide "affordable" healthcare. The law also requires that Company’s using contractors that employ 50 or 
more require the contractor to provide healthcare, otherwise the company utilizing the contractor could become liable to do so. 
We understand that CenturyLink took steps last year to renegotiate all contracts with their U.S. Vendors and Contractors to require 
them to provide affordable health care to their employees who perform work for CenturyLink business.  
They did not renew their contracts with and will not use contractors who will not provide ACA-complaint health care to their employees. 

This information is only applicable to Legacy Qwest-Occupational Medicare Eligible Retirees/Spouses