Local 7201 votes have been counted and certified by our Election Chair
87.1% voted in favor of the Tentative Agreement
Thank you to Christine Locke & all involved
in our first online vote
DISTRICT 7 RESULTS (8-3-2022 2:00PM)
For Members impacted by
Force Adjustment
Join CWA members nationwide by Wearing RED every Thursday to show support for workers rights.
Communications Workers of America
Welcome to
Local 7201
St. Paul & Winona Minnesota
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids foundation
Membership Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday in the months: Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan,
Feb, Mar, Aprl, May
7:00 PM
Meetings are currently held using ZOOM
How to make our Union Strong?
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Community and Political Events
Please contact the Local for details
651 774-7201
If you want to know..... You need to go ........
Next Membership Meeting
February 20, 2025 7:00 PM
Regular Business
Voting on proposed By-laws change
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Below is the link to register for the February Membership Meeting
You must be a member of Local 7201 to register
Once you register you will receive an email with a link to attend the meeting
Registration Link for ZOOM Meeting
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CWAers Stop Work to Take A Stand Against Racism and Police Violence
On Thursday June 10th, CWA members across the country participated in actions to take a stand against racism and police violence. Many members stopped work for 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds - the length of time the Minneapolis police officer who viciously murdered George Floyd had his knee on his neck.
CWA members have supported the protests his tragic killing has sparked across the country, and started conversations with each other about how to dismantle racism.
The PUC is still listening
We continue to fight for our jobs and our Customers
When we fight we win
CWA Local 7201 App
This new tool will allow us to reach you
quickly with important
union news, information, and updates.
Follow the prompts, it only takes a few minutes.
Make sure to enable notifications so you
don’t miss anything.
2024 Lumen Health Benefits
SUBJECT: Contract Ratification Vote Results 2023-2026
We are pleased to announce that the
2023-2026 CWA LQ/LUMEN contract
has been ratified
83.19 % yes vote and a 16.81 % no vote.
You must be a member or retiree of Local 7201 You will receive Important Information
And all the New Minnesota Laws that effect workers